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Transformação Interior Arcanjo Metatron

Experience: Inner Transformation with Archangel Metatron

Held on 05/23/2020

Every day that brings double digits like 05/23/2020 (5/5), had  a higher vibrational energy that is conducive to doing meditations and energy work to assist in our awakening process and higher consciousness.  

Day 23/05 brought  the energy of the union between the Human Self and the Divine Self, the strength to assist in our inner transformation process, release conditioning that blocks our Light and restore our highest gifts and talents.  

Experiencing is a practice that includes a meditation where you also receive healing energy. This experience was  performed through the Akashic Records, which are our soul books, in connection with energies from higher spheres where I will be channeling the energies of the Masters of the Akashic Records and Archangel Metatron.

Archangel Metatron is considered the Archangel of Light, he is in charge of the process of spiritual ascension of all humanity and planetary. He makes himself available to help everyone who is ready to evolve to restore their Inner Light, remember and carry out the Divine Plan of Soul that he came to carry out here on Earth.  

Benefits of this experience:

- Release beliefs, mental and emotional patterns that block our evolution;
- Release energy links and cords that limit our potential;
- Align our chakras and activate a higher energy pattern;
- Connect with Divine Wisdom;
- Internal Strengthening;
- Assist in the expansion of consciousness.
- Assist in the awakening of our Original DNA, to activate the gifts and abilities that are the divine attributes of our soul that are dormant.

All experiences carried out through the Akashic Records are a deep experience of connection and access to Divine Energies and healings are potentiated.

Additional Information

When: May 23, 2020 from 10 am to 11:30 am

How: Via the Zoom video conferencing app.

After your registration and payment of the exchange value, an access link to the experience will be sent to your email.  

If it is not possible for you to be online at the time of Experience: Inner Transformation with Archangel Metatron you can participate too. By registering you will be part of the group, which allows you to receive through quantum energy all the energies, healings and activations carried out during the experience. The session is recorded and the audio is sent to all participants after the end of the experience. And every time you listen to the recording, you're getting all the benefits of the experience all over again.  

Note: If accessing the Zoom link is done through the computer, it is not necessary to download the application. If the video conference access is via cell phone, it is necessary to install the application, which is free. There is also the option to access the audio of this experience by telephone. All this information will be along with the access link.  


Investment: BRL 50.00 per participant

Payment can be made by bank transfer or card by Paypal or Pagueseguro. Check it out below.  

Sign up for the Inner Transformation Experience with Archangel Metatron

To finalize your registration, please fill in the form below and  carry out  the payment of your registration. 

Thanks! Your registration has been completed.

Payment methods


Payment by Bank Transfer:  


My bank details are: 
Bank: Bradesco 237 Branch: 0516 Current Account: 202614-7 Name: Patricia Merkler CPF: 178.132.298-86

obs.: please send proof of transfer to my email

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