Book your Celestial Healing session
The session lasts 50 minutes and costs R$ 255.00
All sessions are held with prior appointment and are held only from a distance. Payment must be made in advance.
The session can be Online or Remote.
The Online session is held via Zoom videoconferencing and you receive the recording of your healing session.
The Remote session has the same benefits as the online session. Where on the scheduled day I carry out the session remotely, without the need for you to be in meditative form, you can continue to carry out your day normally. You receive a recording of your healing session.
To schedule your session, please complete and submit the form below, and make payment.
After I receive your form and as soon as possible, I will email you the times available for scheduling. Messages are answered from Monday to Friday from 10 am to 8 pm São Paulo, Brazil time gmt-3

Pagamento por Pix
Caso prefira pagar por Pix ou Transferência meus dados são:
Banco Bradesco número 237
Agência 0516
Conta corrente 202614-7
Patricia Merkler
CPF 178.132.298-86
Minha chave Pix é o meu CPF
Após a transferência, envie o seu comprovante junto com o seu CPF para o meu email patmerklerterapeuta@gmail.com e eu te envio as Ativações de Luz por email para você.
Qualquer dúvida entre em contato pelo email patmerklerterapeuta@gmail.com ou pelo meu whatsapp 55 11 99615-9419