Celestial Healing for Relationships
This Celestial Healing session can be aimed at any relationship, whether with a mother, father, child, a family member, a friend, any present or past emotional relationship that you feel needs healing or for your area of relationships.
Our relationships are of great importance for our development and evolution. As a Soul, we choose relationships that will bring opportunities for transformation that go far beyond our rational understanding.
That's why some of our relationships are more challenging than others.
With all the evolution we are going through, we no longer need to repeat obsolete patterns from the past and this Celestial Healing Session brings tools to help you with these connections.
This session is a great opportunity to identify which aspects and links need light. We often carry feelings, patterns from the past that no longer represent who we are and need to be transformed.
The entire Celestial Relationship Healing process is carried out in conjunction with your Higher Self and will be focused on you and your inner growth.
Where your feelings, emotions, triggers, records of your past that need evolution will be addressed and thus transform this connection. (Note. This session is not for working on other people's feelings towards you)
Each session will focus on 1 relationship.
If you have any difficulties in a relationship and feel that you need help with this issue, schedule your session, I will be very happy to help you!
This is an 1 hour session and can be done online via Zoom or remotely
The remote session has the same effect and benefits as the online session, the only difference is that I carry out the session alone, record it and send you the audio. The Zoom session is also recorded.
Normal price BRL 300.00 (Brazilian Reais)
To schedule your session, please fill out and send the form below, and make payment.
I will email you the available dates so we can schedule your session.
Messages are answered from Monday to Friday from 10 am to 8 pm São Paulo, Brazil time gmt-3
Payment methods:
Payment must be made in advance.
Payment by Bank Transfer/Pix
Bank Bradesco Bank number 237
Branch 0516
Account 202614-7
Name: Patricia Merkler
CPF 178.132.298-86
For Pix Payment - My Pix key is my CPF (This payment option is only available in Brazil)
Please send proof of transfer along with your CPF to my email patmerklerterapeuta@gmail.com
Payment by Credit Card
Use the link below
Any questions contact me by email patmerklerterapeuta@gmail.com or by my whatsapp 55 11 99615-9419