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Journey of Expansion is a 2 days Online Group Healing that will be held in Portuguese. 

September is the month of 9, which in numerology symbolizes the frequency of transformation, the closing of cycles, great wisdom, forgiveness, unconditional love and the preparation of all the space for the new to arrive.

This week we will have the Lunar Eclipse on the 17th and the Spring Equinox on the 22nd, which are great energetic portals for your evolution.


This reinforces the energy of the need to reflect on the cycles, feelings and patterns that we have that no longer add value to us, so that we can sow the new, activate the best virtues and potentials that we carry in our soul.

Which repetitive pattern would you like to overcome?

Which area of ​​your life needs a transformation?

How much expansion does the Universe have for you, but you are not able to receive it?

I invite you to participate in a Journey of Expansion and Encounter with Your Authentic Being

There will be 2 Online Celestial Healing Retreat with the energies of Kwan Yin, Mother Mary, Archangel Metatron, Lord Maitreya and Divine Beings to assist you in this moment of great transformation


The first meeting will be:

Lunar Eclipse Online Celestial Healing Retreat
Tuesday 09/17 at 8pm (Sao Paulo time) via Zoom

In this powerful experience with Mother Kwan Yin and Mother Mary you will receive:

• High Vibrational Energies to strengthen your connection with the energies of the Divine Mothers
• An Energetic Detox to purify all levels of your Being
• Release of Emotional Blockages, mainly of inferiority, doubts, insecurities
• Release of emotional baggage that keeps you living your past and prevents you from expanding into the potentials of all areas of life
• Purification of your energetic flows and intuitive channel
• Receive blessings of Unconditional Love
• Healing Energies of the Heart Chakra
• Strengthen your capacity for forgiveness and release of past cycles that no longer serve you
• Elevation of your frequency and preparation for the energies of the Spring Equinox

The second meeting will be

Spring Equinox Online Celestial Healing Retreat

Sunday 22/09 at 10am (Sao Paulo time) via Zoom

The Spring Equinox is a great energetic portal where the veil between the physical world and the Divine is thinner and we have the opportunity to strengthen our connection with our Divinity and with that bring energies of revitalization into our lives, to plant the seeds of new plans and projects, of expansion of consciousness and inner harmony.

With the energies of Archangel Metatron, Lord Maitreya and the Divine Beings

Arc Metatron – Archangel of Ascension, Empowerment, Spiritual Protection
Lord Maitreya – Ascended Master of Spiritual Awakening, activates the Divine Flame of the Heart and the connection with your true Divine Essence.


In this Experience you will receive:

• Frequencies of light to help you open up to the New
• Raise the vibration of all your bodies
• Strengthen your connection with your Divinity
• Activations of your Manifestation centers
• Activations of your Inner Light
• Harmonization of your Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine
• Activations of the frequencies of courage, creative potential, self-confidence and personal empowerment
• Alignment with your highest Divine Plan
• Divine Blessings to strengthen your Spirituality
• Divine Blessings for your Plans and Projects

With this combo of experiences, you will have a great opportunity to receive directly from the Highest Spheres of Light Unconditional Love, Support and Activations to help you remember and restore your original pattern of Light.

Can't participate online? No problem, when you register, you will be placed in the Egregore of Experiences, which will be recorded and sent to all participants within 24 hours after the end, so you can receive all the activations.


The exchange value for the 2 Experiences is BRL 110.00 (Brazilian Reais)

Payment can be made by Pix or by card through Paypal

Register for the Journey of Expansion - 2 Online Celestial Healing Retreat

To complete your registration, please fill out the form below and pay your registration fee. 

**Filling out this form is mandatory so that you can receive the access link for the experience and the recording.

Thanks! Your registration has been completed.

Payment methods


Payment by Bank Transfer:  


My bank details are: 
Bank: Bradesco 237 Branch: 0516 Current Account: 202614-7 Name: Patricia Merkler CPF: 178.132.298-86

Pix key is my CPF  

obs.: please send proof of transfer along with your CPF to my email

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